Have you ever wiped away someone’s tears?
Have you?
You don’t wipe away the tears of someone you don’t care for – very deeply. Thinking back to my childhood, if my tears were ever wiped away, it would have been by my tender-hearted mother. It wasn’t many years before growing up (or embarrassment) moved me away from desiring such comforts.
Tears are messengers of our brokenness and pain. Tears are the physical expression of the emotional distress that lives below the surface.  Wiping away tears requires two things – caring and physical touch.  You must be close enough to touch the one you are comforting and have earned the privilege.
I always pause as I read the account (below) of God’s condescension and tenderness as he wipes away the tears of one age to prepare us for the next.
Revelation 7:17 CEV
“The Lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd. He will lead them to streams of life-giving water, and God will wipe all tears from their eyes.”
Why does God bother with wiping tears? Couldn’t he accomplish the same thing in a more efficient way? Perhaps efficiency is not remotely desirable In God’s heart for such a moment. Consider the overwhelming display of the affection of a Father comforting his beloved child.  You and I are the objects of his comforting touch.